The Ingham County Fair Celebrating Its 170th Year: 2024 ScheduleThe Ingham County Fair Celebrating Its 170th Year: 2024 ScheduleThe Ingham County Fair is marking its 170th year with a spectacular celebration filled with food, rides, and entertainment for all ages.Scott ClowScott Clow
Is There A Carnival/Fair Coming To The Meridian Mall, OkemosIs There A Carnival/Fair Coming To The Meridian Mall, OkemosSee you in Okemos this weekend for Elephant Ears and Ferris Wheels.LargeLarge
Drive-Thru Fair Food At Jackson County Fairgrounds This WeekendDrive-Thru Fair Food At Jackson County Fairgrounds This WeekendWe're coming up on the time of year to trade our swimsuits for sweaters which means we can ditch the guilt over our love for fried foods! Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
More Job Fairs Coming to Mid MichiganMore Job Fairs Coming to Mid MichiganIt has been a rough year especially in the job sector but more job fairs are coming back to our area soon.MaxMax
Ingham County Fair Cancels Certain EventsIngham County Fair Cancels Certain EventsHere is what is happening and what is not.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Technology Job Fair Happening This ThursdayTechnology Job Fair Happening This ThursdayIf you are looking for a job, there is a technology job fair happening this week in Lansing.MaxMax
Job Alert: Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort HiringJob Alert: Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort HiringHere's another job fair that is happening right before Labor Day, and it's at one of the more successful casinos & resorts in the state. MaxMax
Expungement Fair This Weekend in JacksonExpungement Fair This Weekend in JacksonIf you are looking to help out your present and future self and have a criminal record, you might want to check out this fair. MaxMax
Calhoun County Fair This Week in MarshallCalhoun County Fair This Week in MarshallIf you are in the mood for another fair, you will have to make a little drive to Marshall for the Calhoun County Fair running this week. MaxMax
165th Ingham County Fair This Week165th Ingham County Fair This WeekOne of the biggest fairs kicks off today and runs all weekend, as it's time for the 165th annual Ingham County Fair. MaxMax