Job Fair in Owosso Happening Tuesday
If you are looking for a job then you should go to Owosso on Tuesday. Make sure to have your resume ready cause the job fair is taking place from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 1975 W. Main St on the second floor. There are going to be a few openings and a few different openings so this job fair is for anyone with any skill level looking for a job.
Some of the businesses with openings are: CIE Newcor MTG (Owosso), Randy’s Wise Durand, Indian Trails Motor Coach, and Right at Home in-care and Assistance. Some of the openings for these businesses include; office staff, Machine operator, Quality tech, manufacturing tech, heat treat tech, material handlers, machine operators and quality inspectors, and so much more.
You can check out more here.