These Ornaments WILL BE BACK This Year For Silver Bells
Last week, we told you about how someone crashed into the Christmas ornaments in the roundabout in front of the Capitol. It happened last year and caused significant damage. They were uninsured and the estimated costs to fix or replace them was around $7000. The mayor regrettably said that they would not return this year.
What a difference a day (or a week) makes.
The ornaments will be back. And in time for Silver Bells In This City THIS YEAR.
From the mayor's lips...uh, Twitter to our ears.
A contribution from the Gentilozzi family is making it possible for those ornaments to return to the traffic roundabout at Michigan Avenue and Washington Square before the 35th Annual Silver Bells in the City on Friday, November 22, 2019.
“As a fifty-year property and business owner in Lansing, the Gentilozzi family is thrilled to work with the City of Lansing to fix the iconic holiday ornaments and return it to the traffic circle in time for Silver Bells in the City 2019,” Paul Gentilozzi said. (WILX)
Head here more info on this years Silver Bells In The City happening November 22nd, Downtown Lansing.