If you can find your way past the minimal complaints, there is still no doubt that Michigan is one of the most beautiful, and welcoming, states in the U.S.
Whether you disagree politically, personal, morally, philosophically, or whatever other kind of thing that ends in "-ally" it's totally okay and here's why.
Let me start off by saying, we are all tired during these trying times. However, don't forget the ones who are stocking the shelves for you, or pulling twelve-hour shifts to take care of those who are fighting this cruel virus off.
My name is McConnell. I go by Large on the radio. I am an African American man born in Mississippi. Some folks have asked. I wrote it out. Start by praying. After that...
Now this may not be an "official" term but if your mental state can be described as just "quarantine brain," here are some therapist-approved ideas to help.