It’s a Felony if Caught Being a Porch Pirate in Michigan, Some Safety TipsIt’s a Felony if Caught Being a Porch Pirate in Michigan, Some Safety Tips Michigan "porch piracy" offenses a felony.Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
It’s Now A Felony In IL to Assault A Worker, MI Should Do The SameIt’s Now A Felony In IL to Assault A Worker, MI Should Do The SameWorkers who are assaulted while asking the public to wear a mask or social distance have more protection in Illinois after their governor made the attack a felony. Rob SparksRob Sparks
Making A Fake Covid-19 Claim To A Cop Could Mean Jail TimeMaking A Fake Covid-19 Claim To A Cop Could Mean Jail TimeFines, a Class C Felony, Jail Time...up to 5 years. This is no joking matter. Stay home, stay safe, and quit playing. LargeLarge
Tasers, Stun Guns, Pepper Spray - What's Legal In Michigan?Tasers, Stun Guns, Pepper Spray - What's Legal In Michigan?They may be non-lethal. They may also be illegal in the State of Michigan. Know before you order it off of Amazon. LargeLarge
New Michigan Law Will Charge Porch Pirates with a FelonyNew Michigan Law Will Charge Porch Pirates with a FelonyPut down that package if it's not yours or you'll pay the price. PatPat
Cardi B Indicted On 14 Charges Friday Morning Cardi B Indicted On 14 Charges Friday Morning Charges include felony assault stemming from a fight at a strip club back in August of 2018.LargeLarge