An Open Letter to My Pure Michigan Neighbor Who Shoveled Snow in Shorts
I witnessed a pretty odd thing yesterday.
Like many during and after yesterday's snowstorm (Tuesday, Feb 2nd), I prepared myself to head outside and shovel my driveway and sidewalk.
February Winter Snow Storm
I donned my warm socks, tall boots, a hoodie, a jacket, a hat, gloves, and a scarf. Even with all of that, I still could have used a second pair of pants or snow pants, which I totally forgot to put on. I definitely could have used some hot cocoa afterward, too. But I digress...
...The odd thing I witnessed yesterday was my neighbor shoveling his driveway and sidewalk, all while wearing shorts. My dude didn't even have long socks or a long coat on to compensate. In fact, his jacket was wide open, just hanging in the breeze. No hat, no scarf.

I get that each person runs differently; I tend to run cold. And despite the layers I had on, I could have used some more.
But, shorts?
I have some questions...like, what's the deal? And why? And how are you not cold?
You Might Be From Michigan If...
I've seen some pretty "Michigan" things in cold weather before, like wearing flips flops well into winter and going without a coat completely, but I think this may have taken the cake.
And it's not like he was out there for a brief time. It's a house with lots of sidewalks, so all in all, he was out there for about 40 minutes straight.
I've got to know, is this by any means typical practice for some? Do you run so warm that you can forgo some elements, even when you're shoveling snow? Please let me know, send me a message using the station app.
In the meantime, cozy up with a mug of hot cocoa, and look through all the cute names of the snowplows in Jackson, Michigan. They're pretty awesome.
Have You Seen The Cute Names The City Of Jackson Gave Their Snowplows?
Michigan's 299 Snowplows Get the Cutest Names Ever
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