Michigan’s 10 Cent Bottle Deposit Could Go Away
Michigan is one of the few states that has a 10 cent bottle deposit, some states don't even offer one, and it could soon go away. That is according to new legistration that was introduced by a state representative. Joe Bellino of Monroe, would like to end the bottle deposit in Michigan, but don't worry it won't end that quick, as he would like to end it on December 31st, 2022.
State Rep. Bellino introduced this legislation because he feels like liter and recycling in the state doesn't work and also costs the state more money than it makes. According to WLNS, he says, “The bottle deposit system ultimately captures just 2 percent of our waste, but it costs more and generates less revenue than traditional recycling programs." Also according to the state representative Michigan has one of the lowest recycling rates in the nation at 15%.
This is still in the early stages so you don't have to worry about it yet, but keep it in the back of your mind next time you do a bottle return. More on the story here.