When Can You Take Your Recyclables Back To MSU
Have you been yet?
To try and take your bottles back to the store. Your returnables. So you can get cash?

It's madness!
Long lines and we knew going in some places were going to put a cap ($25/per person/ per visit) on the amount you could bring back.
But what about all us environmentally friendly, tree hugger hippie types?
I have bags of empty water bottles stacked up in my dining room and I've been waiting to get those out for a while. My neighbor has them in her car and they take up the back and passenger seats.
They are lucky I haven't thrown them away already. But I have a conscience and I love the planet.
So here's the rundown on when you cant take your returnables back over at the MSU Surplus Store & Recycling.
The drop off center will reopen Monday, June 22nd.
- Due to current circumstances, we must refrain from accepting certain plastics to protect the health and safety of our staff.
- On the plus side, we are now accepting cartons!
- The Center will have limited hours and will be closed on weekends.
- New Drop-Off Center Hours
- Monday through Friday
- 9 a.m. to 3 pm.
- CLICK HERE FOR A FULL LIST OF CHANGES including what materials will be accepted. (MSU Surplus Store & Recycling)
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