Michigan State Police Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday
If you look through your medicine cabinet or closet you might find some unused or expired medicine, well the Michigan State police is looking to safely dispose of it for you. Saturday is National Drug Take-Back Day Day, and according to the Michigan State Police website, it's one of two events they do every year with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other law enforcement agencies to safely dispose of unused or expired medicine.
The reason for National Drug Take-Back Day Day and these drug take back programs is to help decrease the possibility of opioid and prescription drug abuse, accidental poisonings and overdoses. All you have to do to help and be apart of it is simply look through your cabinets, grab the medicine and prescription drugs you no longer want or need and take them to one of the 30 participating MSP posts this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
All medicines and prescription drugs will be accepted and will be destroyed with no questions asked. To get more information on National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day this Saturday, check out the info here