GoFundMe Started To Get Golden Harvest Going Again In Lansing
It was iconic, eccentric, and delicious all at once.

I can't tell you how many times I had driven past it and the line was down the sidewalk. And I'm talking EARLY Sunday mornings.
Golden Harvest was well known. A staple. You had to get there early and you should bring your appetite. And your patience in case you got caught in that line.
Oh and you shouldn't be claustrophobic. Because once you got inside, you would understand why that line was so long outside.
Small dining space. It was busy and it was LOUD!
But big, and I mean HUGE, on flavors and food.
My favorite line and you'll see it all the time, "No F***king with the specials, but you can make stuff veggie".
Their breakfasts were legendary. It always started with the biscuits and gravy and went up from there. Greatest hits included...
Of course the pandemic hit and lots of the local little guys got hit the hardest. And Golden Harvest shutting down hurt a lot. They did a lot locally with great food and gave back to the community often giving away free food.
Things are getting back to normal and now folks want their Golden Harvest back.
GoFundMe For Golden Harvest
This got started around May 7th and with a goal of about $20,000, as of May 11th and the publishing of this article it had already raised about $17K. Folks are serious about getting their grub back on at Golden Harvest.
While other restaurants have been able to open at partial capacity, with the size of the Harvest, approximately one person’s left leg would be able to be in the building. Needless to say, the lack of ability to feed all of Lansing has not only left us hungry, it’s left Vanessa and family in a tough spot with a roof needing major repairs and taxes overdue. While we all know how proud Vanessa is, she and her girls have faced so much in the past that no human should ever face. We need to offer a helping hand to Vanessa and her girls to rebuild the Harvest for not just their futures, to help all of Lansing. (GoFundMe)
Look, it's pretty simple. Head over to the GoFundMe page, make a donation, get a cool treat for helping out, and eventually we can all get back to eating delicious breakfast goodies and more at Golden Harvest.
Your belly will thank you. Trust me.
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