4 Senior Pets in Lansing Who are Looking for Their Furever Homes
This was one of the best days ever. I took a field trip to the Capital Area Humane Society to meet all the senior pets there who are looking for homes.
It is heartbreaking to see senior pets that have been surrendered by their owners at an older age. This is when they should be able to enjoy their days, not be at the shelter waiting to be adopted and having to go up against super cute puppies.
The senior dogs and cats I met today were so sweet, and all they want is for some family to love them.
There are so many pluses to adopting an older pet. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that they are almost all house trained (major plus at my house). By the time a dog or cat reaches a certain age, you know so much about their personalities and what they like and don't like. Seniors are a bit more laid back and just so grateful to be in a home and loved.
Many people don't believe it, but having adopted senior pets myself, I can tell you that they really are grateful and they know what you have done for them. These pets will love you unconditionally for the rest of their lives.
If you want to find the best pet for yourself or family, I highly recommend adopting a senior pet. You will never regret your choice, and you will make the twilight years of a pet possibly the best of their lives.
If you are ready to add a new member to your family, you can see all of the pets that are up for adoption at the Capital Area Humane society here.
I fell in love with four fur babies today while I was at the shelter, and I really want to help find them homes. Below you can see their pictures and a little bit about them. I hope you love them just as much as I did and take a trip over to the Capital Area Humane society to meet them in person.

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