Your Consumers Energy Bill Is Definitely Going Up & Here’s Why
When it gets cold out, naturally you expect your electric bill to increase. That's a no-brainer. However, while you're trying to keep the house warm and be as energy efficient as possible...you get hit with this.
Your Consumers Energy bill is going up. Because of a rate hike. That starts TODAY (January 10th).
The Michigan Public Service Commission said YES to a $99 million rate increase for the utility company. They agreed to this YESTERDAY (Wednesday).
That means a residential customer who uses 500 kilowatt hours of electricity per month will see their monthly bill increase about $1.62.
And while that might not seem like much, it starts to add up. Especially if you use more electricity in the colder months. And with this economy, a partial government shutdown, fixed incomes, and some folks not having any money rolling in at all, EVERY penny counts.
There is a little bit of good news.
As part of the agreement reached, Consumers Energy has agreed to not file for another rate increase before Jan. 1, 2020.
So, same time next year? Outstanding.
(Source: WOOD TV)
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