Weirdest or Worst Secret Santa Gift You’ve Gotten?
That was my topic of day yesterday, and now I'm asking you that same question. Since it's Christmas time and we will be doing Christmas parties at work and with your friends, this event usually comes up. Secret Santa is a nice way for you to get and also receive something this year without the pressure of making sure it's the right gift for a special someone.
But sometimes those Secret Santa gifts don't go over so well. I'll give you a short story. About eight years ago, I did Secret Santa at a job that I worked at before radio, and the job was in an office so there were about 12 of us. Twelve people makes it a little awkward because you pretty much know everyone you work with and know what kind of gift they will probably be buying. I knew that everyone I worked with loved gift cards, and that's what I bought and so did everyone else. The only thing was that out of 12 gift cards, 9 were to the same place, a restaurant bar. We all laughed and then went out to that bar restaurant and had a great holiday party there paid by all of our gift cards. Next year we didn't do Secret Santa anymore and instead just did a party at that place.
What was your worst or weirdest Secret Santa gift? You can hear some from listeners below, and give us your story on our app, just tap the CHAT button.