Michigan Township Worker’s Fingers Sliced By “Boobytrap” Political SignMichigan Township Worker’s Fingers Sliced By “Boobytrap” Political SignWe get it, political tensions are high, but maybe don't boobytrap your candidate signs...Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Here’s Why ‘Rage Rooms’ Are Exactly What Everyone Needs This YearHere’s Why ‘Rage Rooms’ Are Exactly What Everyone Needs This YearA place where you can get as angry as you want and nobody can judge? Sign us up! Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Detroit Police Raid Finds Drugs, Weapons And Arctic FoxesDetroit Police Raid Finds Drugs, Weapons And Arctic FoxesObviously if the police are raiding a place, they're bound to find something interesting right? Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Don't Do This: Coronavirus Crazy In MemphisDon't Do This: Coronavirus Crazy In MemphisPlease do not spray disinfectant in your kid's face to stop the spread of Coronavirus. LargeLarge
Topic: Craziest Thing Someone Has Done To Save MoneyTopic: Craziest Thing Someone Has Done To Save MoneyTopic of the Day in case you missed it on Wednesday was about your frugal or big saver friends and family and how far they go to save.MaxMax
Topic: Crazy or Weird Situation You Saved Your Pet FromTopic: Crazy or Weird Situation You Saved Your Pet FromSo pet owners and lovers know that our pets do weird and sometimes dumb things that you need to save them from and we go over some of your crazy and weird stories insideMaxMax