Shiawassee County Police Looking For Your Help
The Shiawassee County Sheriff's Office needs your help in finding out more regarding an accident that caused an injury on Sunday, September 9th just west of New Lothrop. According to police, someone removed the stop sign at the intersection of Reed Road and Easton Road. On that Sunday afternoon, there was then a car that was driving on Reed Road and didn't stop, cause there was no Stop Sign, and hit another vehicle. What's worse is that there was a serious injury suffered by a young boy due to the accident.
This accident could've been avoided or never should have happened as Police say that the stop sign was recovered in a ditch several miles from where the sign used to stand. Taking down street signs is not any easy thing to do so if you know who did it or have seen anything or if you have information related to this crime, Please call the Shiawassee County Sheriff's Office at (989) 720-TIPS. You can see the pics from the site below from the Shiawasse County's facebook page.