Road Closures In Mid-Michigan Due To Flooding
Flooding has hit the Mid-Michigan area after an Icy weekend. Luckily, a majority of our roads were pre-salted before the winter storm hit, allowing a more easier commute come Sunday. Motorists are still, however, urged to proceed with caution as not all roads have been attended to yet.
Unluckily for us, salt does not prevent flooding on the roadways.
We've got a list of roads that have been closed off due to rising waters and flooding here in the Lansing/Mid-Michigan area, according to the Ingham County Roads Department
The following roads are currently closed, due to flooding:
Meridian Township:
Okemos Road, Central Park Drive to Haslett Road
Nakoma Drive, Huron Hills Drive to Hamilton Road
Hilcrest Drive, Okemos Road to Sequoia Drive
Hickory Island Drive, loop off Lake Drive
Leroy Township:
Linn Road, Meech to Dietz Roads
Meech Road, Linn Road to M-43
Leslie Township:
Baseline Road, State to Jackson Roads
Leslie & Bunker Hill Townships:
Olds Road, Cooper to Meridian Roads
This information coming from the Ingham County Road Department Facebook page.
"As always with high water conditions, motorists and pedestrians are advised to avoid and not pass through any water found to be over the road as the water may deeper than expected and could cause vehicles to go off the road, and/or road wash-outs may occur under the water not visible to the driver or pedestrians."
If you happen to come across an area with water over the road ways, you can contact the Ingham County Road Department at 517-676-9722. Motorists should be advised, that ICRD does not maintain city or state roads.

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