Friends of Large Share Some Alaska Earthquake Damage Photos
(Video: KING 5 via YouTube)
I have shared with you folks that before I got here to Lansing, I spent 10 years in Anchorage, Alaska.
I had been through a couple of smaller earthquakes. The biggest was about a 5.5 if I remember correctly, and it lasted about 30 seconds or less. It was the biggest one I had ever experienced.
Friday, Anchorage made the news again with what has been described as a 7.0 magnitude quake that shook the city pretty badly. Thankfully, from what I understand, there were no deaths. But there was plenty of damage. And my friends and family who still live there tell me that the aftershocks have been consistently going all night into Saturday. Loss of power. Gas leaks. Water pipe damage. The lists go on and on.
I asked my friends if they would share some of their personal photos and videos that you might not have seen on the news. I put them together in a gallery for you below.
(All photos used with permission by the individual photographers via Facebook.)
Alaska earthquake damage from the inside.
(Video: KING 5 via YouTube)
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