Donating School Supplies = Free Food
If you are wondering how and where you can donate school supplies to get some free food, its all thanks to Chik-fil-A. Kids are heading back to school and I'm sure you are stocking up on supplies, but with your extra supplies you can donate them to make a Lansing-Area kid's back to school even better.
Today and tomorrow you can drop off new school supplies at Chick-fil-A in Lansing or Okemos and they will repay your donation with a free menu item. From 6:30AM -10:30AM people who donate will get a choice of a Chicken Biscuit or Chick-n-Minis, and from 10:30AM - 10PM donors will get a Chicken Sandwich or Nuggets.
Your donation of supplies will go toward Operation Backpack and be distributed by St. Vincent Catholic Charities. They are looking for donations through 10PM tomorrow, and looking for new backpacks, notebooks and writing utensils.