Concrete Bridge on Okemos Road in Trouble
The trouble it has is that it is almost 100 years old and falling apart, so it is going to be demolished and rebuilt soon. Another problem is that under the bridge live mussels which are in danger if and when this bridge is demolished and rebuilt. The bridge provides passage for people above to get through Okemos and below it is the Red Cedar River, which provides an amazing ecosystem that needs to be carefully taken care of.
Here's a little history about the concrete bridge that I cross on a daily basis, and you might too. It was built almost 100 years ago in 1924. Along with its age comes its character, as the bridge is one of the last remaining camelback-style bridges in Michigan. I drive on this almost every day and can say that it needs to be rebuilt because it is uneven and there are visible cracks all over.
The demolition doesn't have a definite date yet, but it will be happening within the next few months. But before demolition begins, a team of biologists and engineers are collecting mussels near the bridge to protect them and maintain the river's ecosystem. The mussels will be moved upstream so they will be protected from any construction. You can see more about it here.

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