41 Businesses and Services Lansing Would Love That It Doesn’t Have
When it comes to the city of Lansing, there are most certainly things about it that its residents love. I mean, why else would the hashtag, #LoveLansing exist if there wasn't some facet of the city that its people enjoyed?
We have our own baseball team, we are home to our state's Capitol, and we have numerous delicious restaurants and fun things to do.
However, just because we have a love for Lansing, that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Especially with so much recent change...
The sad fact is that businesses have been closing over the last two years more than ever, and we may still see more closures to come. It is never a happy thing when a business has to close its doors for the last time. But, in trying to find the silver lining to these cloudy times, these endings make way for new beginnings and the opportunity for more growth to come to the area.
Businesses and Services We Want to Have in Lansing
While there are many things about Lansing that its residents love, there is certainly room for improvement. This is why I reached out to my fellow Lansing residents/Lanstronauts because I wanted to find out what it is that you think Lansing needs. Whether it's a business or a service, I went on the search for what could be added to Lansing to make it even better.
I was very happy to see your responses. Not only were specific businesses suggested, but practical services and other intangibles too, things that I hadn't even thought of.
Take a peek through the list below to see what residents think we could add to Lansing. And if you have something in mind that you don't see on the list, let us know! Send us a message with the station app.