5 Lansing Children, Locked in Bedroom, Whipped, Threatened With Guns
In a story that is making national headlines, 5 Lansing children (including one with cancer) were locked in their bedroom, whipped, and threatened with guns for a period of about 6 years. One police officer described the conditions that they were kept in as a "dungeon".
Yenier Conde, 32, and Sarah Conde, 28, would lock their children in a dark bedroom with the door screwed shut and locked as punishment, Lansing Detective Pete Scaccia said during a July 18 hearing that led to criminal charges against the couple.
In the room, the children had no food and no toilet, Scaccia said. The children told Child Protective Services investigators they were routinely beaten and threatened with guns. CPS investigators said the Condes stopped taking one child to see his cancer doctors.
The five kids, now ages 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, were taken from the Condes' care and put into foster care after the full extent of the abuse was discovered in 2017. Their parents were each charged with 10 counts of first and second degree child abuse and unlawful imprisonment on Friday. (Source: Lansing State Journal)
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