You may have seen this before, but it's worth another look.

The pictures in the below gallery depict the Michigan ghost town of Watson...NOT to be confused with an entirely different Watson in the lower peninsula. This one is in the U.P., deep in the wilderness of Marquette County. See for yourself in the photos.

Watson is located at the intersection of County Road 426 & Si and the best way to search for it is to search the internet for the Superior Game Ranch or the Watson Bible Chapel. Smack dab in the middle of the Gwinn State Forest Area.

The downtown area is depicted in the pictures that includes a dilapidated IGA and a few other buildings that I'm not sure WHAT they once were.

Population? You could possibly count the entire residency on both hands & feet. Watson has never been included in a census. This is a cool little ghost town to add to your next Michigan roadtrip and get some GREAT photos. It's always a good idea to visit these places while the classic old structures are still existing...wait too long, and history will be yanked out from under your feet.


Inside the Buildings of the Ghost Town of Watson

Ghost Town of Skanee, Upper Peninsula

The U.P. Ghost Town and Cemetery of Kitchi, Michigan


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