TODAY (Friday March 27th) Is Lansing Community Support Day
Mayor Andy Schor has declared Friday, March 27, 2020, Community Support Day in Lansing! The City of Lansing is working alongside Capital Area United Way and the Greater Lansing Food Bank to mobilize the community and local resources to reach those in crisis amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. On Community Support Day, we are asking for everyone to come together and donate to the One Lansing Fund. The One Lansing Fund will support local residents who are struggling in the economic fallout from the pandemic. Donations will support relief programs and services to help our friends and neighbors with childcare, food, utilities, rent, mortgage assistance and other basic needs.

Donate by texting ONELANSING to 41444 or by visiting Tinyurl.com/OneLansing. After you make a donation, share it on your social media feeds using the hashtag #OneLansing to urge others to join the important cause.
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