Credit: DressLily via FB &
Credit: DressLily via FB &

Ok, so the red tuxedo one pictured above, I would totally rock this for the holidays.

Ugly Christmas sweaters & ugly Christmas sweater parties. Been there. Done that. Time to step your game up. I saw this on FB and clicked on it. My mistake because now it's all over my feed in "sponsored" posts. And I just noticed it in my feed on Instagram too.

Enter the Ugly Christmas Hoodie. And honestly, I can see myself in one of these for the holiday party or shopping or whatever. It comes in multiple colors and designs.

Credit: Pizoff via Amazon
Credit: Pizoff via Amazon

Even found the one above on Amazon.

Get yours on Amazon.

And I'm sure you'll be able to find em locally at stores soon enough. Just a word to the wise. You know you won't be wearing these things year round. So I wouldn't spend a ton on them. Order online at your own risk.

Happy holidays.


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