Somerset Center.
Somerset Township.
Somerset Road.
Somerset P.O.
Somerset Station.
Lake Somerset.
Not to mention all the businesses with the name 'Somerset' attached to 'em.

Dang – how many 'Somersets' do we need down there in Hillsdale County?

'Somerset P.O.' was the original name of just plain 'Somerset', and, out of all the others listed above, the one that doesn't exist any more is 'Somerset Station'. It was a railroad stop that is now buried under the waters of Lake Somerset.

Lake Somerset is a man-made lake that didn't exist until 1966. The now-defunct American Central Development bought up the land surrounding Somerset Station, dammed up Goose Creek, and tore down the trees. Then they demolished the railroad depot, schoolhouse, and surrounding homes. Following this, they excavated a 27-foot deep valley and unblocked the dam, which allowed water to flow into the pit....and Lake Somerset was born.

Proof that the railroad came through here is beneath the water...if you dive in, you'll find an old railroad bridge, resting on the bottom.

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As for Somerset Township, it was organized in 1837 after the first settlers arrived in 1833. The town of Somerset was originally called Gambleville after resident Thomas Gamble, and retained that name for a number of years.

The town(s) and township lie on the Old Sauk Trail, now the Historic US-12, which is basically miles, miles, and more miles of historic sites all across lower Michigan.

Nearby Flavor Fruit Farms and McCourtie Park are highlights of the area. One of Michigan's Most Legendary Haunted locations is the old Somerset Lounge (and McCourtie Park), which has been bought out and turned into a different business altogether. All-in-all, when you visit Somerset Township, a good time is guaranteed for all.



The Michigan Railroad That Was Never Used

Abandoned Maiden Lane Bridge

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