Over the weekend, actor and musician Ruby Rose revealed that she underwent emergency surgery on her back earlier this year—and she shared the ordeal in graphic video detail.

"To everyone asking about my new Pez dispenser scar on my neck... A couple of months ago I was told I needed an emergency surgery or I was risking becoming paralyzed," Rose shared to her Instagram followers.

Rose's injury included two herniated discs as a result from doing her own stunts, presumably while filming a movie. On Instagram, she shared a video of the spinal surgery.

"They were close to severing my spinal cord," she continued.  "I was in chronic pain and yet couldn’t feel my arms."

The actress thanked her doctor for allowing her to continue doing what she loves most, adding that she is "forever in your debt."

As for why she shared footage of the procedure? Blame Grey's Anatomy.

As Rose clarified in her post: "To anyone asking why I let them video it... Did you not watch that Grey's Anatomy episode where they left a towel in a patient?? Also, I wanted to see what happens when we go under."

Watch Rose's graphic surgery video here.

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