The U.P. town of Rexton is located in Mackinac County, not far from the abandoned Fiborn Quarry.

Rexton means "son of the king" and was named after the King of England. The town opened its post office on April 16, 1901. The P.O. shut down in 1961, but the town continued until 1968 as a railroad station. The D. N. McLeod Lumber Company set up headquarters in Rexton, conveniently located near the Fiborn Quarry, and surrounded by the massive amounts of timber.

The railroad still runs through Rexton, but thanks to the depletion of timber, it is not the boomtown it once was. No more blacksmith, saloon, old general store, hotel or sawmill. A new general store and a couple of churches are there, but that's about it, save for houses dotted throughout the area.

Visit Rexton when you visit the Fiborn Quarry. These two places make a great couple of hours to spend on a U.P. roadtrip!


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