Why Won’t You Be Able To Use The Okemos Rd Bridge Starting February?
Let's be honest, it's pretty tight quarters traveling northbound on the Okemos Road bridge.

It's about time they did something about it.
It's just the timing (and exactly how long the repairs will take) that might be an issue for those of you that use it.
You could have a baby in the time it's going to take to fix this bridge.
According to sources, the repairs begin in February and will be finished around November of this year.
9 months?
Our bridge project is a baby now.
Replacement of existing NB and SB structures with single 5 lane, single-span bridge including pedestrian facility along the east side, along with bridge approach and Mt. Hope intersection reconstruction, traffic signal, and sidewalk/ramp reconstruction. SB Okemos Road traffic will be detoured via Grand River Ave (M-43), Dobie Rd, and Jolly Rd.SB Okemos Rd detour is scheduled to begin in February 2022 and will continue until November 2022. (roads.ingham.org)
Honestly, now that I think about it, replacing a whole bridge and taking less than a year to do it is not too shabby.
Here we grow full steam ahead!
Last year about this time, we told you about Bottoms Up and Travelers Club being torn down.
We've come to find out not only was Bottoms Up closing up but so were all of the businesses around it.
Closing up and this year coming down.
Across the street, Travelers Club International Restaurant and Tuba Museum got the demolition treatment.
Read More: The Bottoms Up Building Is Finally Coming Down In Okemos
This whole project had been put on hold and postponed because of Covid but was picked back up and restarted back in January of last year.
After a nearly yearlong pause, progress on the Village of Okemos development restarted Jan. 4 with demolition to raze buildings in the project area around Okemos and Hamilton roads. Work on the $100 million, 4-acre mixed-use project began in 2019, but was put on hold last year due to COVID-19's effect on the economy and other issues. Brownfield tax credits and tax increment financing contributions are around $15 million.(Lansing State Journal 01/10/2021)
The final piece to the puzzle looks to be the bridge. Work starts next month. Plan accordingly.
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