One of my favorite words that start with the letter 'F' is the word 'FREE' and this Thursday, you can get a FREE Slurpee from participating 7-Eleven locations as part of their annual 'National Free Slurpee Day' event. Would you like to hear some history about the event so you can impress your friends with your Slurpee knowledge? Yes, yes you here ya go...

According to the National Day Calendar, back in 2002, 7-Eleven started celebrating its birthday with what they called '7-Eleven Day'. As is usually the case, someone along the way apparently had a better idea and decided to turn the birthday celebration into what we now know as 'National Free Slurpee Day'. Want another fun fact about the Slurpee? It was way back in 1959 when Omar Knedlik accidentally invented a frozen, slushy drink and called it the ICEE. In 1965, they changed the name 'ICEE' to 'Slurpee' and the rest is history.  Click here to read more.

If you want to get in on the free deal, be sure to stop by your local 7-Eleven between 11am and 7pm on Thursday, 7/11/19 and get a free small slurpee. There are 7-Eleven locations in Holt, East Lansing and Okemos. Click here to find out more.

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