Mornings @ Large Exclusive: WHAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW
Last week, there was a lot of disproving the experts on social media and YouTube.
And I just have to say when you see something or someone making exuberant claims, don't just take it at face value. Do your homework. Do your research. Find out the truth for yourself. You are ON THE INTERNET and all you have to do is literally put what you're looking for in the SEARCH BAR.
And don't just share stuff before you make sure what someone sent you was true AND came from a credible source.
That being said.
You guys are not going to believe what I found while I was doing research & prepping my next post. I know that there are a lot of things on the web and lately folks have been coming under fire for YouTube conspiracy theories. Experts spouting facts, twisting numbers and research, then being proven wrong, and ultimately only making crazy claims for their own good.
It's shameful.
But what I found puts them, all their claims, and everyone going to YouTube posting "fake news" to shame.
Take a look.
Shocking. Truly shocking.
Now THIS, is the stuff you want to share with your friends. It will enlighten them about all the false and fake news on the internet and YouTube.
I encourage you to share it with them without telling them what it's about and watch them roll their eyes in disbelief once they see the shocking truth.
A lie and a trick seems to roll out of these peoples mouths as easily as taking a breath or sharing and clicking on a fake news link.
Take this knowledge. Share this knowledge.
You're welcome.

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