Michigan’s Teen Drivers Rank Top 10 in the US
More and more drivers are on the roads every year, and even though we make all of the cars in Michigan, we aren't the greatest drivers apparently. This is all according to new data and a new list from Wallethub.com, which you can see here. According to their data, Michigan is in the top 10, at #6 in states for the Best Teen Drivers.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15- to 19-year-olds made up only 7% of the population in 2013 but they racked up 11% of all costs resulting from motor-vehicle injuries. Because of this, if you have a teen driver in your home or are about to have one then this will be helpful as the chart is based on set ranges from number of teen driver fatalities to average cost of car repairs to presence of impaired-driving laws.
Some of the good data to come from this is that Michigan is fairly inexpensive if you want to add a teen to your insurance or the amount you have to pay to repair your car. Michigan finished at the top in both of those data sets. But some of the bad data is that Michigan was ranked near the bottom in Teen Driver DUIs, as well as in the middle with driving safety. But at least Michigan wasn't at the bottom in Teen Driver Fatalities, as Michigan ranked near the middle, which still isn't that good.