Michigan Woman, Celebrity Revenge Porn, Blackmail Scandal
That title alone could be it's own Netflix special. It's got all the elements of good must see tv.
It's local, got a secret celebrity, porn...nope scratch that REVENGE PORN, scandal, and blackmail.
Yup, get me two seasons of that and put it on your favorite streaming service.
But this ain't some stylized piece of fiction. This is all very real.
An Oakland County judge awarded a $500,000 judgement Wednesday against a Dearborn woman who was sued for allegedly engaging in an international revenge pornography-related extortion scheme against a celebrity. (ClickOnDetroit)
In a nutshell this woman (Angelina Saba of Dearborn) received pronographic pictures/videos of a celebrity (without his knowledge or consent) who shall remain nameless. She then went on SOCIAL MEDIA to say she would put all this naughty business online.
The plaintiff alleged that Saba’s phone number was used to communicate an extortionist threat to the celebrity, who said he ended up wiring nearly $20,000 and Saba still threatened to publish the video. (ClickOnDetroit)
You keeping up here? Saba got some naughty video of a celebrity, used social media to threaten him, and then used her phone number to issue a threat of extortion. Even after all that, the celebrity ponied up to the tune of $20K. At this point, even though it's wrong, you have gotten away with several crimes and YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT BECAUSE OF HOW YOU WENT ABOUT IT. But, you can't fix stupid. And there's a saying about "going back to the well too often".
Of course she got caught.
And the judge came down SUPER HARD. Did you catch up top where we said this was international as well.
The celeb's identity has been kept in tact as we know nothing about who he is or what that video or those photos contained. But here's how it broke down for Saba.
She has been ordered to destroy all videos and photos depicting the celebrity partially or fully nude or engaging in sexual activity, the report said. She also must remove any such content she posted to the internet. (MLive)
She's now has to pay him back. To the tune of $500,000. And get this part.
Saba now faces wage garnishment to pay the $500,000, which will accrue interest and cannot be discharged in the event of bankruptcy. (MLive)
Baby, you can go broke if you want to. But you will pay this $500,000. And even if you lose your job and go broke paying it off in the process, interest will still be building.
Some say it's not fair we get to know her name and not the celeb. The celeb is the victim here.
Some say she should have quit while she was ahead. She got $20K. Nope, she never should have done this at all.
Revenge porn is not cute. And neither is extortion.
Soon she'll be so broke she won't be able to pay attention. But she'll still have to pay off that half a mil.
What did we learn?