Maria Shaw Horoscopes From Friday the 13th, For the Week Ahead!
Just in case you missed your Friday morning horoscopes with Maria Shaw, we've got them for you right here! Take a listen to your forecast for the weekend and the week ahead!
Find Maria on FB Here!
Maria's Events & Tour Schedule
If you would like to book an appointment with Maria, she offers 30 and 60 minute appts that are recorded for a special rate. You must call ahead at 810-631-6887 to book.
The next LANSING Psychic Fun Fair happens May 12th - Saturday
Lansing Comfort Inn 525 Canal Road 10 AM - 5 PM
This weekend April 14th & 15th in Saginaw and Midland
Saturday Psychic Fair - April 14
Saginaw 4 Points by Sheraton 11a.m. to 5p.m.
Sunday Psychic Fair and Classes - April 15
Midland, MI Best Western Valley Plaza Resort. Psychic Fair- Open to all 11a.m. to 5p.m.+
Letting Go & Allowing in Class
This class helps you release one person or situation that is holding you back from moving forwarding your life. Many of us feel stuck and can’t move past situations. Here, you will also learn to remove grief, sadness and other hurts from the past so you can move ahead.
We can stay stuck in grief mode for years after someone we love dies. Some folks can’t move into new relationships if they’ve been hurt by a divorced spouse. Have you ever heard someone say they will never marry again after a bad divorce? It’s because they can’t let go of the pain and allow someone better to come in. Perhaps you’ve been unjustly accused of something or there are family estrangements that still bother you. Maybe you can’t get over a long, lost love. Whatever the case, you can gain some tools in this class to help you move though and past the past you need to let go of. There is no point in living one more day of your life like this! When you let go, you can then allow new situations to come in!
Plus there’s a very special segment to the class, in which you will see your future soul mate and get specific details about him or her. The soul mate may appear in your next lifetime or this lifetime. It’s a fascinating class with much to uncover and discover. I hope you’ll join me.
2p.m. to 5p.m.
Limited to 20 people
$49 per person included admission to the Psychic Fair from 11a.m. to 5pm