Once upon a time, there were over 9,000 Blockbuster Video stores in operation around the globe. Today, there is just one, in Bend, Oregon. And now you can rent out the whole store for the night... for four bucks.

That’s the special deal up for offer through Airbnb, where you can snag “one of three, one-night stays that will take place on 9/18, 9/19 and 9/20 for up to four people.” If you get a rental, you’ll get the run of the last Blockbuster in the entire world for a full night. The full details suggest some of the things you could do to pass the time:

Whether you want to stay up until sunrise or pass out on the couch, we’ve created the perfect space complete with a pull-out couch, bean bags and pillows for you to cozy up with “new releases” from the ‘90s. Crack open a two-liter of Pepsi before locking into a video game, charting your future in a game of MASH, or watching movie after movie. But be wary of reciting “Bloody Mary” in the staff bathroom off of the break room, as you just may summon the ghost rumored to haunt the store. And help yourself to some NERDS, Raisinets and popcorn (heavy on the butter), but make sure you save room for a couple slices.

Here’s that “perfect space” they describe:


Granted, Blockbuster Video helped drive mom-and-pop video stores out of business all over the country. Granted, Blockbuster’s selection even in its glory days was a pale shadow of those indie stores. Still: You get to get out of the house in the middle of this godforsaken pandemic. Plus all-you-can-eat NERDS? That alone makes this an incredible deal. I’m ready to drive cross-country to Bend, Oregon right now.

The slots go up for grabs on August 17 at 1PM PT. Good luck and remember to be kind and rewind.

Gallery — VHS Tapes That Are Still Surprisingly Valuable:

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