The Shadow Town of Lakefield: Saginaw County, Michigan
This looks too small to be called a town, but that's what it is. Lakefield sits at the intersection of Lakefield & S. Merrill Roads. You'll find it smack in the middle of Lakefield Township in Saginaw County.
The picture below from the Historic Maps website shows Lakefield in 1916.
It shows the town hall and church, which still stand, but have both been heavily renovated. There are two one-room schoolhouses: One east of town and another on the west side, out of the picture. At the intersection it depicts two stores that once stood, both of which are long gone.
Lakefield was settled sometime around 1875.....there was a sawmill in the area, about three miles north of town in Section 3 of the Township.
There is not much history recorded about Lakefield, other than it was one of Michigan's many, many lumber towns that went bellyup. Even though there are hardly any interesting old buildings left to see, Lakefield is still a part of Michigan's history, and a quick drive-thru on your Michigan roadtrip wouldn't hurt.