This year, Halloween lands on a weekday.

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And while there are sure to be plenty of opportunities to trick-or-treat (or trunk-or-treat in some instances), a weekday Halloween means that the main night for trick-or-treating will fall on a weeknight/school night.

When trick-or-treating lands on a weekday, that can really put a damper on things for kids and adults alike.


Kids have school the next day, and adults have work the next day. Sure, trick-or-treating doesn't go late into the night, as most communities wrap up by 7, 8 or 9 p.m. at the latest. But that doesn't mean that the day of the next day isn't made a little bit harder by this fact.

Photo by Canva
Photo by Canva

Keeping that in mind, should Halloween be moved?

Would Michiganders want to celebrate Halloween on a different day? Say, the last weekend in October?

Should Michigan Move Halloween to the Last Weekend in October?

The answer is yes... and no.

When posed with the question, "Should Halloween be more like Thanksgiving, and just be the last Saturday in October?", Michiganders were split almost dead evenly down the middle, with "yes, it should be moved" taking the lead by a hair.

Many people referenced the fact that when Halloween falls on a weekday, the next day can be very tough for those who have little ones.


On the opposition's side, people are reminded that Halloween is short for All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints Day (November 1st), and therefore can't be moved.

These are the two sides to the coin of this issue, but what if there was a third way?

Move Trick-or-Treating or Give People the Next Day Off

Many Michiganders suggested that instead of moving Halloween, just move trick-or-treating to the last Friday or Saturday of the month.

Another solution was to just give everyone November 1st off! That doesn't sound too bad...

No matter what side of the fence you land on for this argument, only one thing truly matters, and that's making sure that you're not the person who passes out apples or toothbrushes on Halloween. Please don't be that person.

What You Pass Out On Halloween Says A Lot About You

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

These 8 Halloween Costumes are Perfect for Staying on Lansing Theme

Don't get caught dead in the same basic costume everyone else has. Check out how you can create the perfect Lansing-themed Halloween costume in the gallery below.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

BOO! Which State in America Loves Halloween the Most?

How do you determine a state's love for Halloween and all things spooky? Somehow
"examined the number of searches for haunted houses, haunted house reports, and the number of ghost stories and Ghost Adventures episodes filmed in each state".
Using this data, they were able to calculate a total score on a scale between 0 and 40. Here's how your state ranked in ranking for The Most Halloween and Haunted House Obsessed States in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow