In the wake of protests all across the U.S., including Michigan, Governor Whitmer has announced plans for police reforms.

The policies are meant to enhance trainings within law enforcement in the state. Whitmer says that way all Michiganders are treated equally.

Here in Michigan, we are taking action and working together to address the inequities Black Michiganders face every day. That’s why I'm calling on Michigan police departments to strengthen their training and policies to save lives and keep people safe.

Senate Bill 945 requires officers "to complete training on implicit bias and de-escalation techniques and mental health screenings."

Whitmer is also asking officers to hold each other accountable and intervene if they see wrongdoing or mistreatment on the job. Agencies are asked to make this a requirement within their forces.

She laid a list of actions that the Michigan State Police has taken to further the reform such as creating an Equity and Inclusion Officer position within the department, diversifying the department by hiring more minorities and women, and establishing community service trooper positions.

Fore more, including actions made by the governor herself, click here.

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