HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Ghostly Fireball of Geeck Road
Well, here's a short 'n' sweet 'haunted Michigan' rumor that may or not be accurate. In fact, there's very little detail on this Shiawassee County urban legend whatsoever.
From what I could gather, there's a stretch of road east of Owosso and Corunna off M-71 just before you get to the town of Durand. This little stretch of road is the northern section of the aptly-named Geeck Road, between M-71 and Hibbard Road.
People claim to have witnessed a bright orange fireball, usually at Midnight on Halloween night. As you travel down the road. the fireball appears to head straight for your vehicle but disintegrates before slamming into you. Where this story came from is beyond me...there was no info on this urban legend that I could come up with. If you've ever heard of this, or know how it originated, let me know!
This section of Geeck Road is less than a half mile long, so you may have to drive up & down the road a few times before something - if anything - happens.
Geeck Road is a dirt road and there are a couple of homes on the stretch, so if you plan to investigate, be courteous and don't be obnoxious.
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