Free Virtual Narcan/Naloxone Training In Ingham County
Everyday we are flooded with news about the pandemic. Covid-19 deaths, restrictions, masks, the vaccine, shortages, and more.
A new administration and taking steps to vaccinate a million people in 100 days.
While Covid is in the forefront, other things are still going on. Other problems are surging.
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is still a major problem in this country.
OUD is currently the number one cause of death in Americans under 50 and with the COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis is expected to worsen. For those battling addiction, quarantining and social distancing have resulted in disruptions of treatment and recovery services and limited access to mental health services and support patients so desperately need. (Managed Healthcare Executive)
While many in this country are looking for the vaccine, others are looking for help battling their addictions and can't get to it.
The stress of Covid, loss of jobs, not being able to get treatment and so on could lead to relapse.
And overdose.
Sources also say that people who are addicted to drugs or other substances are more likely to contract COVID-19 and to be hospitalized or die from it. (Detroit Free Press)
Here in Michigan the numbers are up too.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services reported EMS responses for ‘probable’ opioid overdoses during April-August 2020 were 22.4% higher than during April-August 2019. (Detroit News)
Closer to home here in Mid-Michigan, the Ingham County Health Department is offering free training to deal with opioid overdoses.
Opioids include both prescription drugs such as Oxycodone and street drugs such as heroin. People who use opioids, and those who care about someone who uses opioids, should carry Naloxone. (ICHD)
For additional information, including request for a free Naloxone training and where to receive free Naloxone (Narcan) contact: Tammy Maidlow-Bresnahan at (517) 930-5514 or Email: