Don’t Throw Away Letter IRS Is Sending To Help You File Your 2021 Tax Returns
Watch for a letter from the Internal Revenue Service regarding your 2021 tax returns. You will need it to file if you received a third stimulus check.

I have to admit I did like getting those stimulus checks but with tax time coming up, we all have to get our ducks in a row for our 2021 and the IRS is sending us a letter to help out.
WOOD reported, the IRS said in a statement, "People receiving these letters should keep them. Do not throw them away."
Even though you are not taxed on the stimulus payments you received you still have to claim the money. The letters from the IRS will explain everything you have received regarding stimulus payments and answer any questions you may have.
If you have not received all of your stimulus checks you are able to get a recovery rebate credit. If you would like to get a headstart on a rebate credit before the IRS letter arrives, click here.
I will definitely be looking into a recovery rebate credit since I didn't receive a third stimulus payment. Hey, $1400 is $1400. Most people who qualified received the third stimulus check back in March of 2021.
Pay close attention to your mail at the end of January because that is when the IRS will start sending out the letters so you will be ready to begin taking care of your tax returns in February.
If you also received child tax credit payments last year, you will get a second letter. Be on the lookout for that second letter and don't throw it away either. You will need that letter to also file your taxes.
Just a heads up this tax season, unlike the last two years where you could file your taxes months after the normal deadline of April 15, this year the deadline to file your 2021 taxes is April 18. Learn more about filing your 2021 taxes here.
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