Best Jokes/Memes From Lansing Facts
If you aren't following or don't know about Lansing Facts on Instagram or Twitter, you need to be because it is so Lansing in meme and joke form. I'm not sure who is in charge of the social media page for Lansing Facts (Instagram @lansingmifacts, Twitter @LansingMIFacts) but it's amazing and always makes me laugh. If you haven't checked it out yet, I'll show you some of my favorite jokes, memes, etc. from them below.
I love this first one, which shows a lot about our roads and Frandor. Just a note, Lansing Facts really likes to make jokes about Frandor (like most of us do, honestly).
This next post can help you know how Lansing you are.
And of course the page has to take a slight jab at Okemos.
Even the Governor is big fan.
And this one is one of my favorites as it breaks down all of the towns and cities in the Lansing area and gives them a character in a TV show. This one is from Arrested Development.
If you don't follow them already, you can at (Instagram @lansingmifacts, Twitter @LansingMIFacts). And if you have lived more than a year in Lansing, you will get or laugh at most of their posts.