Audio: Parents Behaving Badly At Kids Sports Events – Ban Them?
There are soccer moms and then there are THOSE soccer moms. There are football dads and then there are THOSE football dads. The parent that's just a little bit more aggressive, loud, harsh, judgemental. And not just of their kid. Other kids playing against their kids. And the coaches. And the referees. And it's gotten out of control. And it's got to stop. And we're talking kicking the parents of their own kid's sporting event and possibly being banned. Could you imagine?
Two major high school athletic associations in Florida have written an open letter asking parents to stop verbally criticizing game officials and coaches. “Yelling, screaming and berating the officials humiliates your child, annoys those sitting around you, embarrasses your child’s school and is the primary reason Florida has an alarming shortage of high school officials.” Their claim is backed up by a survey by the National Association of Sports Officials that found “adult behavior” is the reason 75 percent high school officials quit. (Fatherly)
So we opened up the phone lines and asked you what you thought.
This first dad thinks if you pay for everything, them throwing you out of your kids sporting event isn't going to go over very well.
This mom says if you are out of line, you should be asked to leave. And if you can't get it together, definitely get banned.
And this Mid-Michigan mom says they have to sign a contract that has some ramifications for parental bad behavior. That includes getting your kid kick out of the game and maybe off the team.
We've got some tips if YOU or someone you know are an aggressive sports parent.
Head over to Sport Parent “Do’s & Don’ts” from our friends at MHSAA as well as MSU College of Education Institute for the Study of Youth Sports.