You’ve Got Voting Questions, We’ve Got Answers For Aug. 4th
Sure there's a pandemic going on. Combine that with if the kids are going back to school, they cut the unemployment benefit, we got fires in the west, hurricanes coming through Florida (as well as their numbers going up)...looks like your dance card is pretty full.
Don't forget to add this to your schedule. If you haven't voted and turned in your absentee ballot already.
Tuesday, August 4th is the Michigan Primary Election.
Just what you needed right? One more to do in the middle of the BEST YEAR EVER!

There's been a ton of talk about mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, when you can sign up, the latest you can sign up and more.
Are you registered? How late can you do absentee ballots, where do you vote?
Let's start with the basics.
For in person voting, polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm on election day (Tuesday, August 4th).
If you have concerns and want to vote from home, there are options as well.
Michigan residents can register up until 8 pm on Election Day in their local clerk's office and vote.
Since Proposal 3 passed in 2018, there is no deadline to register to vote in the State of Michigan. Michigan now allows Same Day registration. We always encourage voters to get registered ahead of time. A good place to start the registration process is the Michigan Voter Information Center and can be found at
Are you registered and where do you vote? Click here.
Who are the candidates this time around? Click here.
And seriously, take a moment to look over that candidate list. Do your research before you hit the polls. I can't tell you how many times I've been to the polls, I'm voting for the names I know, and then...who are these folks? What? Judge? Clerk? And you guess? That's not good at all.
You've got your absentee ballot but didn't mail it back in time? Ballot drop box locations. Click here.
You've got any voting questions or concerns before you head out head HERE.
LOOK: Here are 50 political terms you should know before the upcoming election
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