Weird Animal Sightings this Week in Michigan
First we had a sighting of a Cougar, then we had a sighting of that invasive Asian carp, what can be next?
It has been long rumored and now finally confirmed by the Department of Natural Resources that yes, there was a cougar spotted in Clinton County. According to the Michigan DNR, the cougar was spotted on June 21st in Bath Township (exact location not said but it was spotted near Rose Lake State Wildlife Area)
It is official from the DNR of the cougar, and they say its extremely rare to see one near or on your property but here's a few things to note from the DNR if you have cougar on your property.
- First, Face the animal and do not act submissive. Stand tall, wave your arms and talk in a loud voice.
- Never run from a cougar or other large carnivore. If children are present, pick them up so they cannot run.
- Do not crouch and get on all fours.
- If attacked, fight back with whatever is available. DO NOT play dead.
- Report the encounter to local authorities and the DNR as soon as possible.
Next a few days later there was a sighting of the deadly Asian carp, that has been known to get into fish populations and drain them, about 9 miles from Lake Michigan.
The 8 pound and nearly 2 foot long carp was caught by commercial fishermen in a regular carp monitoring spot on the Little Calumet River about two miles below the T. J. O'Brien Lock and Dam. This is the 2nd time a card has been caught near there with the last one back in 2010.
Luckily No other invasive carp have yet been found nearby, but fishermen and monitors of the Great Lakes are looking to make sure they don't see any other ones. To read more about it MLive has more here.
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