Two Men’s Clothing Stores File For Bankruptcy
Men's Warehouse and Jos a Bank are closing and they will be having huge sales on most of their merchandise. Looking for a suit? Cause now is the time to get one as both men's clothing stores are filing for bankruptcy and having big sales.
Men's Warehouse and Jos A Bank are both clothing stores that specialize in suits and night wear. You will probably remember the commercials for Men's Warehouse where they used to say, "You'll look good, I'll guarantee it." I also remember going into Men's Warehouse to buy a dark blue suit for a friend's wedding, it had to be that specific color which took me a while to find at the time.
You might remember going into Men's Warehouse or Jos A Bank, as they both sell men's suits, dress shoes and dress shirts, but I didn't know that they were both owned by the same people. It is quite strange since they both sell the same things, but after today they will both be declaring bankruptcy together and closing down 500 stores nationwide.
No Michigan stores are closed yet, but you can still take advantage of the sales they are having. Some things Men’s Wearhouse have for sale are: sports coats starting at $34.99, suits at $89, vests at $13.99 and shoes at $52.49. More on Men's Warehouse sales here. Meanwhile at Jos. A. Bank you can see these sales on three shirts for $87, suits starting at $199 and shoes starting at $79. More on Jos A Bank sales here

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