Topic: Go To Meal After a Night of Partying or Drinking
That was the question that I asked you for my Topic of the Day on Tuesday and I got a lot responses that make sense and some that don't. Now your go to meal after a night of drinking or partying will most likely be eaten at night or late so fast food was a common response but I did get someone that responded with something that is healthy and isn't fast food. Check them out below.
Also you can tell me your go to after drinking meal on our Facebook here.
In addition if you want to know the Top "After Drinking Foods", this is from Healthline.com, #1 Bananas, #2 Eggs, #3 Watermelon, #4 Pickles, #5 Honey. So basically it is calling for all healthy foods or foods with lots of vitamins that can help you cope with the next day.
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