‘The Voice’ Live Shows: Team Blake’s Chloe Kohanski Dazzles With ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’
It's now week two of The Voice Season 13 live shows, airing Monday (Nov. 27). One vocalist went home last week, leaving 11 singers to perform solely for viewer's votes, while their respective coaches sat back, watched, and hoped for the best! (Want to cast your own vote? Fans can choose their favorite artists here.)
Team Blake Shelton's Chloe Kohanski has been a favorite throughout the weeks, with her uniquely possessive style on such rock/pop numbers as Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide," Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time," and others. This week, she was assigned one of the most diva-worthy ballads in modern music, Bonnie Tyler's 1983 powerhouse "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Kohanski approached the song with deep seated gusto (as well as dramatic glittering silver teardrops pasted below her eyes).
Coach Miley Cyrus declared Kohanski a fellow free spirit, while Shelton noted that she'd "set the bar." She's definitely a front-runner in the game!
Tune in Tuesday for the results, as the vote is in America’s hands, and one artist will be sent home on Nov. 28.
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