The Psychic On 90 Day Fiance Is Our Very Own Maria Shaw
If you've never watched 90 Day Fiance on TLC you are truly missing out.
90 Day Fiance offers a unique look into the world of international dating and matrimony. Using a unique 90-day fiance visa, the K-1 visa, the foreigners will travel to the U.S. to live with their overseas partners for the first time. The couples must marry before their visas expire in 90 days, or the visiting partner will have to return home. (TLC)
It's drama baby. High drama. Must see TV on steroids.
The show is in it's 8th season. And you might recognize someone that's playing role with one of the couples.
It's our very own French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw (@90daypsychicmariashaw on Instagram).

The couple we're speaking of are Stephanie and Ryan. Stephanie has two things. A psychic adviser (our friend Maria Shaw) and a secret. Spoilers are on the way so brace yourself and stop reading if you don't want to know or haven't watched the episode yet.
...during one of her visits to Belize, she and Ryan broke up and Stephanie slept with his cousin. She slept with his cousin! Not even her tarot reader saw this in the cards! (Vulture)
You can head to TLC and watch full episodes. The one Maria is on is Season 8 Episode 4.
I asked our favorite French Quarter Medium how did she get involved with the show.
My client stephanie D. from Grand Rapids came and saw me at the Lansing psychic fair four years ago. I told her she would be on 90 day finance.
I knew Ryan was a con man when we did the reading on him four years ago and I named his girlfriend's name he was seeing behind her back. When she got on 90 days she told them the story and producers wanted me on.
Maria also said she would probably be on "3 or 4 times throughout the 13 weeks".
The full episode is below from YouTube and Stephanie, Ryan, and Maria are at about the 35:10 mark. If the link doesn't work head to TLC or HULU for episodes.
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