Prime Video’s Boys-iverse continues to grow with The Boys Presents: Diabolical, an animated anthology spinoff of the streaming service’s hit superhero series The BoysRather than continue the story of the main show, Diabolical will tell “unseen stories” set within the same universe. The first season’s voice cast includes Awkwafina, Michael Cera, Don Cheadle, Chace Crawford, Kieran Culkin, Giancarlo Esposito, Eliot Glazer, Jason Isaacs, Kumail Nanjiani, Justin Roiland, Seth Rogen, Andy Samberg, Ben Schwartz, Elisabeth Shue, Kenan Thompson, Aisha Tyler, and many more.

The first teaser for the show is designed like a commercial for a fast food restaurant — in this case, Vought-A-Burger, named after the company that controls the Seven. It’s meant as a spoof, but we’re guessing a lot of Boys fans would actually want these pseudo Happy Meal toys.

Diabolical is one of two Boys spinoffs that Prime Video is already working on; the other is a live-action series set at a college for superheroes. That show was ordered by Amazon back in the fall of 2021. Here is Diabolical’s official synopsis:

The fun-size episodes, running 12-14 minutes and each with its own animation style, will reveal unseen stories within The Boys universe, dreamt up by some of the most creative and bloody brilliant minds in entertainment today, including Awkwafina, Garth Ennis, Eliot Glazer and Ilana Glazer, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, Simon Racioppa, Justin Roiland and Ben Bayouth, Andy Samberg, and Aisha Tyler.

The Boys Presents: Diabolical premieres on Prime Video on March 4. There will be eight episodes in the season.

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