South Boardman, Kalkaska County, Then-and-Now: 1900-2020sSouth Boardman, Kalkaska County, Then-and-Now: 1900-2020sA fire ravaged the whole downtown in 1923 and the shops were never rebuilt. Here's a brief history and a photo gallery...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Bill Knapp Legacy Will Never Die - So Why Not Bring It Back?The Bill Knapp Legacy Will Never Die - So Why Not Bring It Back?There are plenty of businesses named after their deceased founders: Disney, Hershey's, Levi Strauss...wny not Bill Knapp?John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Here's a Possible Explanation Why We Add an "S" to 'Meijer"Here's a Possible Explanation Why We Add an "S" to 'Meijer"We all do it. But why? Here's where it is believed to have gotten started...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Ghost Town of the Dead: Back to Bell Cemetery, Presque Ile Co.Ghost Town of the Dead: Back to Bell Cemetery, Presque Ile Co.A return visit to the ghost town of Bell and it's cemetery, with more images of the former village and creaky graveyard...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Michigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating Drive-In TheaterMichigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating Drive-In TheaterOpen and operating since 1947, this drive-in theater still hangs in...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
When White Oak Became Millville: Ingham County, MichiganWhen White Oak Became Millville: Ingham County, MichiganIt began as White Oak, but eventually became Millville...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Almost a Serial Killer: Rose Barron, Detroit - 1905Almost a Serial Killer: Rose Barron, Detroit - 1905Even though nobody actually died, officials still blamed her for twenty poisoning attempts...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The 100 Most Popular Last Names in Ingham County, MichiganThe 100 Most Popular Last Names in Ingham County, MichiganIs your name on the list?John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Not Without My Daughter: The True Story of Betty Mahmoody: AlpenaNot Without My Daughter: The True Story of Betty Mahmoody: AlpenaThe circumstances in this true story happens to more Americans than you realize...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Images of Mecosta, Michigan: 1900-2020sImages of Mecosta, Michigan: 1900-2020sTake a look back at the town of Mecosta.....and find out how it got its name...John RobinsonJohn Robinson